Evaluating the New Regulated Gas Pricing Policy for Industrial Customers in Indonesia
Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center 0
The objective of the GoI to regulate an affordable natural gas price through MEMR Regulation No. 8/2020 undoubtedly benefit the industrial sector. However, the regulation should be carefully implemented and monitored to prevent revenue loss in the natural gas business entities and avoid underperforming gas users/industries.
The study finds three main issues in implementing the new regulated natural gas price....
Energy transition in the transportation sector is indicated by the gradual shifting from the use of internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles to electric vehicles (EVs) globally.
The transportation sector consumed 43% of total global energy and emitted 16.2% of total global emissions in 2020. Similarly, the transportation sector in Indonesie consumed 45% of the total energy and contributed...
Crowdfunding Potential: Willingness to Invest and Donate for Green Project in Indonesia
Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center 0
Individual investors prefer to have an investment with high ROI rather than a low-profit investment with environmental and social benefits.
Males invest and donate more money than females in terms of quantity and frequency.
People with a level of education above an associate degree (D3) have a significantly higher level of willingness to invest and donate to green...
Carbon Tax Implementation in the Energy Sector: A Comparative Study in G20 and ASEAN Member States (AMS)
Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center 0
This report shows that six G20 countries (Japan, South Africa, Argentina, France, Ireland, and Mexico) and one ASEAN Member States (Singapore) have implemented a carbon tax.
The energy sector is the primary GHG emissions contributor in most member states, except Indonesia. However, the energy sector in Indonesia will highly contribute to the national GHG emissions considering the rise...
Leveraging the Potential of Crowdfunding for Financing Renewable Energy
Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center 0
Renewable energy (RE) projects in Indonesia usually have IRR between 10% and 15% and PP around 6 to 30 years.
Attractive return usually could be found in large scale RE projects, although there are numerous other factors involved including technology developments, capacity scale, power purchasing price agreements, project locations, as well as interest rates and applied incentives.
Meningkatkan Peran Strategis Pemerintah Daerah dalam Transisi Energi Indonesia
Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center 0
Dalam menghadapi perubahan iklim dan ketidakpastian pasokan energi konvensional, Indonesia menekankan pentingnya transisi dari energi fosil ke sumber energi terbarukan. Meskipun ini merupakan prioritas nasional, peran pemerintah daerah masih terbatas, terhambat oleh kurangnya desentralisasi dalam pengelolaan energi dan regulasi yang belum mendukung. Laporan ini mengeksplorasi peran strategis pemerintah daerah dalam mempercepat transisi energi di Indonesia, dengan fokus pada tantangan...
Effective Downstream Policy Strategies for Oil, Gas, and Mining Sub-Sectors in Indonesia
Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center 0
The policy of downstream in oil, gas, and mining sub-sectors, in this report including minerals and coal, is the Indonesian government's primary focus to optimize its natural resources utilization. This report evaluates the downstream stages from the nonrenewables resources using the Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, and Legal (PESTEL) methodology and the concept of trickle-down effects. Its objective is...
Press Release: Brief Report “Strategi Kebijakan Hilirisasi Migas dan Minerba yang Efektif untuk Indonesia”
Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center 0
Kebijakan hilirisasi minyak dan gas (migas) serta mineral batubara (minerba) menjadi salah satu fokus pemerintah untuk mengoptimalkan sumber daya alam. Selain dapat meningkatkan nilai tambah, hilirisasi migas dan minerba memiliki berbagai manfaat seperti diversifikasi ekonomi, peningkatan investasi, dan pengelolaan lingkungan yang lebih baik. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan strategi yang tepat dalam hilirisasi migas dan minerba di Indonesia. Tim peneliti...
Laporan ini didasarkan pada hasil analisis dan rekomendasi dari PYC IEC 2023, dengan tema “Collaboration in Action for Inclusive Energy Roadmap”. Konferensi ini merumuskan permasalahan dari kondisi transisi energi saat ini, serta peluang dan tantangan transisi energi yang difokuskan pada kebijakan, pendanaan, dan sumber daya manusia.
Laporan ini menyoroti upaya transisi energi di kawasan ASEAN, khususnya Indonesia, dalam menghadapi tantangan...
Strategi Pengarusutamaan GESI untuk Transisi Energi Berkeadilan di Indonesia
Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center 0
Komitmen Indonesia terhadap pembangunan berkelanjutan dan aksi iklim telah tercermin dalam Enhanced Nationally Determined Contribution (ENDC) 2022 serta target Net Zero Emission (NZE) tahun 2060 atau lebih cepat. Untuk memperkuat komitmen ini, dibentuklah Kemitraan Transisi Energi Berkeadilan (Just Energy Transition Partnership/JETP) guna mendukung transisi energi yang berkeadilan dan berkelanjutan. Salah satu aspek penting dari transisi energi berkeadilan adalah integrasi...
Indonesia, untuk mencapai target bauran energi nasional pada tahun 2050 dan target net zero emission pada tahun 2060, membutuhkan rencana dan strategi, khususnya di sektor ketenagalistrikan. Laporan ini akan menguraikan strategi penguatan sistem kelistrikan di wilayah 3T (Terdepan, Terluar, Tertinggal) Indonesia dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif yang mencakup FGD (Focus Group Discussion), wawancara, dan kunjungan lapangan untuk memahami secara mendalam...
Enhancing the Strategic Role of Regional Governments in Indonesia’s Energy Transition
Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center 0
In facing climate change and uncertainty in conventional energy supplies, Indonesia put emphasis on the importance of transitioning from fossil to renewable energy sources. Even though this is a national priority, the role of regional government is still limited, hampered by lack of decentralization in energy management and unsupportive regulations. This report explores the strategic role of the regional...