Greetings from Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center!

This year 2024 was marked by several milestones and significant events in Indonesia’s energy sector. Additionally, several policies were discussed to support the energy transition process. One example is the Draft Law on New and Renewable Energy, which has been deliberated throughout the year to refine strategies for facilitating the energy transition.

The Indonesia Energy Kaleidoscope 2024 provides insights into the dynamics of energy sector issues in the country. The PYC Research Team has compiled fourteen events in Indonesia’s energy sector throughout 2024. The events discussed include policy updates, efforts toward energy transition through renewable energy, and initiatives by various nations to incorporate energy transition agendas into international forums.

At the end of 2024, the National Energy Council (Dewan Energi Nasional, DEN) reported that Indonesia’s energy security index for 2023 was in a ‘resilient’ condition at 6.69. This achievement represents an increase of 0.05 from the previous year’s score of 6.64. Therefore, appropriate strategies must be implemented to ensure that Indonesia’s energy resilience remains in the ‘resilient’ category against all forms of threats, both domestic and international. It is essential for us to support government policies aimed at maintaining energy resilience and achieving the net-zero emissions target by 2060. Hopefully, the information provided in the Indonesia Energy Kaleidoscope 2024 will provide valuable insights and support the realization of sustainable energy for Indonesia


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