Figure 1. PYC provided medical personal protective equipment to several hospitals in Indonesia.

Figure 2 and 3. PYC distributed daily needs to those who were economically affected by the COVID-19.

In April and May 2020, as part of its social activity, the Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center (PYC) distributed medical personal protective equipment (medical PPE) to several hospitals in Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Wonosari, Semarang and Bangka Belitung. PYC also distributed 250 daily needs in Jakarta and surrounding areas. This activity aimed to help the medical professionals who find it difficult to afford for the medical PPE that is expensive and scarce in the market.

PYC has sent the medical PPE to Tamansari Hospital, PELNI Hospital, Koja Hospital, dan Prima Medika Ciledug Inpatient Clinic, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Pasar Minggu General Hospital, Wonosari General Hospital in Yogyakarta, Bethesda Hospital in Yogyakarta, Hasan Sadikin Hospital in Bandung, Dr. Kariadi General Hospital in Semarang and Toboali General Hospital in Bangka Belitung. Filda Citra Yusgiantoro, Chairperson of the PYC, said, “Not all the medical PPE were given to the referred COVID-19 hospitals, but also to other hospitals that need medical PPE.”

In addition, the PYC Team distributed 250 daily needs to several areas in Jakarta. It aimed to help those who were economically affected by the COVID-19 such as online drivers, taxi drivers, scavengers, cleaning staff, small traders, and other people in need.

The COVID-19 pandemic that is occurring now has impacted people on various social levels not only in health but also in the economy and other sectors. Therefore, to cut off the spread of COVID-19, we need to unite ourselves in helping one another. Sharing is caring and start to share the positivity. We believe we can win against this pandemic era together.

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